Recommendations for the best headphones with equalization after severe acoustic injury

I recently experienced an Acute and severe hearing loss between 1-4khz after a bike tire exploded in my face. My wonderful system is now rendered unpleasant (Apogee Divas with DAX refurbished, Velodyne active sub, D'Agostino stereo biamps, ARC SP20 pre, Rossini DAC/player with separate clock, Llyod Walker air bearing turntable...). I need to accept the loss and switch to the best headphones with equalization capability so I can listen without hearing aide distortion. Some have had this horrible experience and I wish to learn from your experience. How did you compensate for the hearing loss, and what are your best recommendations for equipment, and why? Cost is of little concern because music has been my saving grace for 59 years! Thanks to all in advance!


Wow. Really sorry to hear about your loss. I have had bike tires blow up often. They are really loud.

How does your system now sound unpleasant?

Consult an audiologist first. If they agree you may want to EQ your speakers

Hey, so a couple of ways to go here.  First, if you use Roon or something like that you can use Roon's DSP capabilities. Another way is to use the miniDSP headphone amp with DSP built in for your PC


I am very sorry to read about your accident. For an audiophile (and one with such an excellent system as yours), that is a nightmare. I hope that you can find a solution so that you can enjoy listening to music in a way that mitigates the damage to your hearing. Godspeed.

DSP might not alter the room sound sufficiently.

I like  Kennerton Magni's for EQ since all ranges are present.

You could play all of your files in folder or genre shuffle on a Topping M50.

It allows you to create a custom EQ.  Easy enough for an old bastid to do.

It even has configurable i2s output that you can't use.