Comaring versus ''attributing '' property to wahtever objject..
The later has the grammar form: ''x is P''
The former has more ''subjects'' than one: John is longer than Peter''.
We get in trouble when x state that John is longer than Peter but y
state the othee way round or state that Dover is even longer than
both mentioned (grin).
In all coutries implicite ''longer than relation'' is transformed in
names for properties. Say Stefanos is large and Miotakis short or small.
But when Stefanos moves to Holland he loses the property LARGE
because the Dutch are longest people in the wolrd.
How than can Stefano's lose the property ''large'' if he ''has the
propertt large''? Because of the grammar ?
No because sentence form ''x is P'' is not suiitable for comparisons.
Frege started from there when he wanted to invent languge suitble
for science. That is that accordidin to him ''ordinsry llanguge'' is not
suitable for science. He is called ''father of modern logic''.
In this thread members try to put their opinions in ''x is P'' form
not realizing that comparisons can't be put in this grammar form.
To know which cart is ''world's best'' one would need to compare
all carts ever produced.but than ''rank them'' according to his subjective
preference. We will than get that, say, accoridng to Raul C is the best
which will be denided by dover because according to him D is the best..
Assuming ordening according to: a,b,c,... n'' conditions.