Schiit Loki Max?

I'm considering buying the new Loki Max EQ for two reasons: 1) its capacity for remote function from the listening chair and 2) its reputed improved transparency (not the the Lokius I currently own isn't remarkably transparent). 

Has anyone tried one of these? ? ? 




I have all 3 Schitt EQs and the Loki mini is just OK I haven’t used mine in a while the Lokius is wonderful, especially with full-range driver loudspeakers. The Max is the better-sounding eq. Remote is nice to adjust sound at the listening position. Still, I would say most systems wouldn’t benefit from the EQ. But if you have room issues, your hearing is failing, or you have a speaker like a full range or music that could use a bit of EQ to sound its best. They can be very useful.

I just got mine today, and so far I’m impressed! Brings out the best in the system and seems as transparent as before. 

Its been a long time; I received the unit in January and had not placed it in the system until just this morning.  I have been trying it with a few old Motown discs, Temptations, and to my ears most of these are bad sounding, little bass, lots of high end, probably mixed for a car radio.  Well, I placed the Max in the system, and played a bit with the 6 settings, made three pre-sets for with increasing boosts in low one, cuts in high end, and they all make these old recordings sound unbelievable!  In bypass mode I hear nothing from the unit.  I think its wonderful, especially the 6 bands and the ability to adjust from a listening position.  

@rpeluso - Thanks for the report. It would be great if you (and other users of the Loki Max) could post more impressions as you use the unit more.

@rpeluso Just saw your post and it confirms what I've hoped -- that the right EQ could coax these oldies, "mixed for car radio" as you say, into full-range sonic form. That virtue, plus ease of use, correction for room idiosyncrasies, and elder-ear HF hearing loss, would justify the price of Loki Plus for me. Appreciate the update.