Ordered a Willsenton R300

Everything I have read about this 300b tube amp has been very positive, particularly Steve Huff's review on his website.  I have always thought I would love the sound of 300b tubes and this is my chance to get one for a very modest price.  It ought to drive my Spatial Audio M4 Triode Masters very nicely.  I will report back my impressions of the amp when it is fully revealed to me. 


@charles1dad You're right. It's a tube amplifier, integrated, around the same price point (a bit above). But no, not 300B. That could be a deal breaker for many, but not for all. 


I just mentioned this because I believe that @whitestix is specifically interested in the 300b.



Don gave me quite a detailed summary of the internals of his 300b, which he is developing in association with Lynn Olson.  As with his other gear, he believes it will far outperform much more expensive 300b amps on the market.  I will suggest to Don that he chime in on this thread if he is interested in a further description of his new amp. 

Hi, Don Sachs here.   First, this is not an attempt at advertising in any way.  The amp whitestix refers to is now in the second prototype and there is no commercial product.   

If you see a 300b that uses a 6SN7 to drive the 300b it will sound ok, but you will never hear what a 300b can do because a 6SN7 tube cannot adequately drive a 300b.   Search the web for Lynn Olson's symmetric Reichert.   What we have done is to start with that sort of design and then completely update the driver section and the power supplies.  The driver is now a triode connected 6V6 for each 300b and it will be coupled with custom wound interstage transformers from Dave G at Cinemag.   I tried a version with CCS loading and it was the best amp I had ever heard.   I have tweaked that further with choke loading and it is better and the IT version will be the best.  There are lots of other tricks in there, and many little secrets, but it is basically 4 single ended 300b amps in one box.  Phase split is done up front with a super high quality input transformer.   The result is an amp that has all the transparency of the flea watt SETs and the drive of a push pull.  It is about 27 watts/ch in this form and sounds like 60 watts/ch.  I love the Kootenay amp, but it doesn't sound like this amp.....  to my ear it is the best amp I have ever heard.