Hi @dilatante , thank you very much for sharing. And yes what I am getting seems exactly like yours and is through all 5 speakers. @dpop @russ69 also believe it is the higher output gain of the Mac/Sim combo.
And yes it can only be heard by putting my ear within about 2 inches of the tweets and is certainly not audible when anything is playing even at low volume. And it certainly cannot be heard from any normal listening position. So it is not intrusive and I know it’s common and many people live with it, but my OCD knowing it’s there when it wasn’t before won’t allow me to let it be until I’ve exhausted all feasible options, you know😬? I have a ground lift XLR adapter arroving tomorrow I’m going to try and then a 10db XLR attenuator arriving Friday. I’m really hoping/thinking one of these just may do the trick🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻! If not, as I’ve mentioned I’ve got St John’s The Evangelist church on standby to send in the exorcist😂! I know that’ll get rid of this evil entity I’m just not up for the mess I’ve seen these things create😂! In all seriousness I know it’s something I can live with and if all else fails I’ll be fine…I literally connected the Mac (bought it used but new to my system) and my brand new 5 Revel’s at the exact same time expecting nirvana and as I was pulling the grills off I heard it😳😳! It was like that scene near the end from Jeepers Creepers when the Creeper literally punches a whole right through the cop-that’s how I felt😳😂
Thank you again for sharing and taking the time to reply👍🏻😊!