Can someone help me pick out my first speakers?

I am not tech-savvy at all, and I'm really sorry if this is the wrong place to post it, but I'm looking for a pair of small decent home speakers for music in the $300 range.

I've heard people on reddit discourage people from buying Beats and Bose but that's the extent of my knowledge! Can someone recommend a pair of speakers to me? Or direct me to the correct subreddit if I'm not in the right place?

Thank you!


Welcome!  You’re definitely in the right place and lots of excellent recommendations above.  I’ll add another vote for the Wharfedale Diamonds, but if you can stretch to $599/pr the LSA Signature 50 is in another league entirely.  Here’s a review by a member here…

Best of luck!

My 2 cents-

Audition as many speakers you can access. I know B&M stores aren't as plentiful as when I started, but you need to learn what you like/love. 

Yes, it will take time, but you will not waste time/money on speakers that don't work with your ears.

The best thing is that you will not only learn what you like, but meet people who share your passion. And dealers that know what you want.

The recommendations given are meant in the best possible spirit, but only you can decide what sounds best.


Call John Sollecito at Source Technology tell him Jackie sent you. Just bought a pair of the 1.6WC ‘s for my son they list for $999 John sold them to me for $490. Talk to John about what you need. He will give you options. 806 - 918-3088. John has been building American maid speakers for 40 years. It’s worth a call.

sure, buy my rosewood Joseph RM25XLs ... they are used, but are in 9.99/10 condition and for $1500 you'd be hard pressed to find anything better