If you have the room i'd take the Cornwall over the Forte it's just a better integrated driver set and superior mid-range horn IMO also the bass is cleaner from my listening. L100 wasn't something i liked personally it was ok but lacked the dynamics of the horn system. May want to consider the mission 770 as well its getting some great reviews and most like it better than the L100.
If i was looking at JBL and Klipsch I'd look at JBL's horn speakers, they tend to be better balanced then the Klipsch stuff. if not more expensive.
If you are also a low-level listener as well, then horns all the way.
the paradigms are going to be a totally different sound then the horn speakers. less dynamic but maybe a smoother top end and deeper but not as detailed bass. that really general though as I've not heard them.
I ran LaScalas for years and loved them, recently moved away from horns to Spendor D9.2 and they do many things better but i miss the dynamics and immediacy of the horns and the ability to sound great with dynamics at lower listening levels.