Please any idea how to plug in Tara Labs RCA connectors very close together? Thanks

My amp has Left and Right RCA connections that are very close together. The Tara Labs RCA interconnects have fat, screw-in end barrels that push each other off a straight line into the RCA connections.  Are slimmer plastic barrels available, or is the answer take one barrel off and use electrical tape on it, or something else...?  Thank you.


Some brands have very fat connectors. I have faced this problem before. For me, if they are pushing against each other and I don’t think they will damage the component, I will use them. Or I get rid of either the component or interconnects.

I used to have some very really good interconnects that I really liked… I actually swapped the box. But most of the time it worked.


Its up to you. Perhaps the screw connectors are interchangeable enough to find thin ones. I had never thought of that. Good idea. 

What he said. Or, heat shrink tubing. Just please no electrical tape. 

Have the outside barrels turned down. Maybe call Tara Labs. I quit using oversize connectors because of issues like this.