Open Baffle Experience

Much has been said about open baffles, including an epic website by the late, great Dr. Linkwitz but I've only heard them really once, playing absolutely garbage music (thanks Pure Audio!) at a hotel.

I'm talking here about dynamic drivers in single baffles without enclosures, not ESLs or Magneplanar type systems.

I'm curious who has had them, and who kept them or went back to "conventional" boxes?

I'm not really looking to buy speakers, but I did start thinking about this because of a kit over at Madisound made with high quality drivers.




@kenjit Your posts remind me of the political climate in the country rignt now.   While I fully support your right to your opinion, you attempt to squash any opinion that doesn't agree with yours. I think if we made ou a moderator you would just delete anything tht doesn't agree with you. 

You do realize that if we all agreed on everything we wouldn't need a forum.


I've long been attracted to Emerald Physics beautiful open baffle speakers but I've never heard them.  If a used pair shows up near me I'll go listen to them.


@jaytor , get yourself a measurement microphone and have a look. Yes, you have bass but it is wildly inaccurate. Bass is very deceptive. People will swear they get great bass out of little loudspeakers. What they are getting is the illusion of great bass. Servos on subwoofer drivers seems to make a lot of sense. The problem is that they do not take into account the resonance and movement of the baffle or the cancelation effects of an open baffle. Play something with a really low note like an organ piece and put your hand on your baffle. That vibration you feel is distortion that the servos cannot account for. The other problem with servos is that the best large subwoofer drivers do not have a problem with distortion. Distortion only becomes an issue with smaller drivers trying to make sub bass. They have to move so far to do it that their suspensions become non linear.  To tell you the horrific truth most enclosed subwoofers are not much better. The best subwoofers are going to be balanced force designs with extraordinarily stiff enclosures. The Magico Q series is a good example. Kef Blades use a balanced force design. You should be able to put your hand on a subwoofer while playing and feel absolutely no vibration.  

#carlsbad.  I too was intrigued be the EP features [no box to distort sound]. So at a show I heard them set up in a hotel room.  Hmmm.  Maybe they were not set up properly, but I was not impressed at all.  The sound coming out of the front was OK at best.  Moving around to the back was worse.

I'm really not sure that traditional measurements work well with open baffle designs.  I've never seen anyone claim a tiny OB performs great in the bass.