Has new music gone down the tubes?

The demand for "old" music grew 14% in the first half of 2022 while the demand for new music dropped 1.4%. In the streaming world "old" music represents 72% of the market. Why does new music seem to be so bad compared to old/classic music?

I go though youtube sometimes and kids post videos of the first time they hear classics like the beatles, bob dylan, whatever and inevitable jaws drop. The music companies keep rereleasing old albums in new formats. Is it because todays artists just can’t "git er done"?

U.S. Music Catalog vs. Current Consumption


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@tylermunns I am a huge Reggae guy and appreciate your post. I am the same about most Rap music but do not condemn it, it is just not for me. 

I will say there is plenty of new good music out there. It’s the age old argument “ they just don’t make music like they used to” Rubbish! 

Back in the day we had FM, the 'underground' formats some had would play pretty wide variety, remember free form! This is how we discovered more interesting deep cuts, even more commercial stations played far more than top 40. Also had University stations in my area, classical, jazz and more heard here.


Forget FM today, with exception of University stations you won't hear anything new and interesting. One has to stream these days, and be open minded about genres, plenty wonderful music out there. If all one likes is rock, then yes, today's rock not nearly up to standards of the 'olden' days. I agree the 'commercial' music of today is pretty bad, between commercials on tv and music you hear blasting from cars and other's stereos pretty bad state of affairs. Plenty of criminally unheard and underpaid artists out there, just have to work to find them!

My 23 year old cousin went with my family to see New Order & Pet Shop Boys a couple of months ago when they toured together. She was blown away! She loved every minute of it.