Has new music gone down the tubes?

The demand for "old" music grew 14% in the first half of 2022 while the demand for new music dropped 1.4%. In the streaming world "old" music represents 72% of the market. Why does new music seem to be so bad compared to old/classic music?

I go though youtube sometimes and kids post videos of the first time they hear classics like the beatles, bob dylan, whatever and inevitable jaws drop. The music companies keep rereleasing old albums in new formats. Is it because todays artists just can’t "git er done"?

U.S. Music Catalog vs. Current Consumption



@larsman, thanks but alas my post was deleted for its outrageous and controversial subject matter(?).  

Post removed 

Neither outrages and or controversial @hifiguy42. More along the lines of, a breath of fresh air. 


"It would be unfair to say that there is no good new music. Just as it would be unfair to say that all music from the 60’s and 70’s was worth listening to."

I'm 67 and I started with this sentence with the hope that readers would understand that I wasn't making a blanket statement about all modern music, but merely my opinion of music as a whole.

Obviously you missed that point and felt the need to reiterate my opinion in different words.

"Good music is good music, regardless of the decade and today’s good music amply displays all of the attributes you list above."