I know what you mean. I have heard it. But over my fifty years pursuing high end audio I found that the more you shoot for natural and what the real acoustic events sound like, the more your system will sound better with all genera of music. I don’t hear that bite in real live acoustic music, just like I don’t hear a lot of slam or over emphasis on the subtitles of the venue.
So, while some overemphasis may favor one kind of music, typically it will get in the way of the others. As an example, I really chased the ethereal magic in Delerium and Enigma in the early ‘90’s. But it was to the detriment of almost every other music.
Around 2010 I got season tickets to the symphony (7th row center) and listened to acoustical instruments everywhere I could. The change in direction for my system was striking… all music started improving. It brought me to where I am today, with the most engaging and immersive system I have heard. I really have a hard time tearing myself away from it after hours of listening every day.
So, for me. Be careful about really cool artificially accentuated characteristics like excessive detail or slam and focus on natural and musical. All music will sound better and your system will be more rewarding.