Do your speakers bite??

There's a curious phrase audiophiles use for speakers with well defined leading transients, or extra string or reed sounds: bite

Sometimes this is also extra resonance from inside a string instrument.  I say it's extra because I don't hear the same in real life, but for some speakers these are marked selling points.

So, do your speakers bite?  Do you like your speakers to bite you?  What is your threshold?


There's a fine line between bite and a hardening of the sound and the trick is to tread lightly.  I've been going through some Toslink cable brands and lengths doing that very same thing: trying to find that balance. 

It's more of a finishing touch but what I found is that the right amount of bite can lend an incredible amount of realism and immediacy but too much ruins the sound. 

All the best,

I love the snap of a snare and the tsing of a trumpet or sax, but  when the sound acquires an overall hardness I quickly cease being a happy listener. But oh yes, back in the days when I listened to Vin Scully doing the Dodgers on AM, the hardness of the tiny transistor radio did lend an unmistakable aura of you-are-there excitement.

Bite can be called sibilants  or etched ,bright , in natural if it’s a horn it should sound brassy ,a screech from a electric guitar and if using reverb can be electronic sounding , .having been modding or upgrading Loudspeaker Xovers for Many years. If you have say a bright beryllium tweeter, or horn , more times then not. 
over80% of all loudspeakers use substandard parts for example I use mod Xovers and make loudspeaker purifiers ,

in your speakers a $2 ceramic resistor which can be gritty I use the best Mundorf copper foil ultra , or Path audio resistors $30 each,  capacitors many use ok at best Solen capacitors , or cheaper line clarity caps ,or Mundorfs mid line. Why 

it’s all about $$ . Roughly $25% of the cost of-your speaker including packing is all that goes into your speaker ,the rest R&D overhead and markup.

i was a audio dealer for 10 years, this too includes the vast majority of electronics .

this is why many times I just buy a quality component then lookfor all weaknesses and upgrade it ,with electronics for example I take Duelunds world class capacitors on the coupling or output stage of my preamp section from the very respectable Rel cap and give them a Loong  burn in and a huge jump in performance 



Well, for Focal and Whaferdale speakers, a simple tweeter replacement to a Mundorf MKP or Clarity SA can be game changers.





So many variables to consider here; not sure I interpret "bite" correctly but if the question is realistic vs. engaging then you could find an endless list of speakers claiming to be one or the other.

First look at your room ( then evaluate your equipment and speakers.

What I found in my 2 channel music system was my B&W 603-S2s were less bright (more neutral sounding) when not toed in and without bottom stand supports. But, then I replaced them with Dynaudio Contour 20s (much higher price than entry level B&Ws) and magic! Realistic natural sound with superb vocals and more detail.

I moved the B&Ws to a video surround sound set up in another room and they are perfect for movie and sports formats. Trial and error; demo in your room, whatever you choose your results will vary, but first consider the room dynamics.