I can offer 2 suggestions that fit into your budget.
I once owned a pair of the Studio 20s Version 4. Drove then with a 100 wpc Vincent Audio SV226 hybrid integrated in a 12 x 15' room. This pairing was wonderful. The tube linestage provided a smooth texture or bloom while the 100wpc SS amp maintained the dynamics these speakers provide. I believe the latest version is called SV-228. Not sure. I would look up Audio advisor which have sold Vincent products for years. The Vincent SV-500 at 50wpc likely won't provide the same drive as the SV226 did. Much depends on how loud you listen. Your small room size would help.
Anothe possibility is the Rouge Audio Sphinx V3 which is also a hybrid using a tube linestage coupled witha class D 100wpc SS amplifier. I currently have this amp in a second system. Rogue Audio is also sold by Audio Advisor.
Th4 Rouge Sphinx has a phonostage, the Vincent a built in DAC.
I am not affiliated with AA, just a satisfied customer.