Years back, when I just started putting cd into hard drive, I did not know about any of that stuff. So most are in. aac, it’s ok, when I listen for effect, I pop in a cd and relax on the couch with a triple dram and a frozen piece of granite
or fire up the old trusty SL-1200 mkii.
I use the nightclub II concorde if the low end is low, the nightclub II has a great bass extension. The Arkiv concorde boosts the mids and treble for when I ,run my LPs’ into audiolab 3.0 ,clean them. Up a bit, and record them to nice taiyo yuden cdrs.
Everything has been applelossless for several years now.
in my car don’t give a darn about sound, I only have the 2 lil speakers on the side panels , the others stopped working about 3 months after expiration of the abhorrent gmc service and overall garbage they sell.
darn,,another rant, thanks for wasting 3 minutes of your life, you will never get it back