Newbie want to improve what I have

I am brand new here already purchased my first system. Probably made some mistakes. So I bought an NAD M33, Focal Sopra No 1 speakers, Tellurium Black II cables with an Isotek EVO3 Polaris. I am enjoying the system but realize I've probably made some mistakes. So as a humble novice I'd love some advice where to start to improve my system. I thought perhaps starting with the cables. Looking too warm this up. 


cables and toe in and dirac will not change the overall sound focals are very clean and uncolored so is the nad 


go to your local shop and see whap "warm sounding integeated amplifiers you can borrow and compare 

Many times you’ll hear about component burn in, there’s merit to that. The big one is room treatment. Lay stuff out the way you want / need then start your research.The last thing you want at this point is to get involved in the ridiculous cable Band-Aid crap. Makes perfect sense setting up comfortably then addressing room issues. In time if wanted a person can step into the Cable controversy remembering of course there is a such thing as diminishing marginal returns and it happens fast. 

Totally agree with the room treatment thing. One look at my house of stereo system will show you that it is of the upmost importance to me. Another layer to this journey and the most important one if you are really serious about getting the absolute best sound you can. However the majority of audiophiles ignore that aspect. 

If I were you, I would PM John Rutan, his Audiogon Tag is 'Audioconnection'.

I promise you that he will give you the best advice and not try to sell you something.


I think you have some nice equipment. That you feel the need to change is understandable, but, as has been said before

'If it ain't broke, don't bother'


All of us 'audiophiles' want to move onto something 'better', but that depends (esp. those of us who don't have unlimited budgets), on what we can afford.

My 2 cents-

Ask yourself, what do you find deficient in your current system?

I say this as someone who came to high end stereo in the '80's, when there were lots of brick and mortar businesses to audition equipment. 

Unfortunately, today, unless you live in a major city, your options to audition are limited. If you are near a dealer, and can schedule an audition, then do so.

What you like is solely up to you.-But, in order to make that decision, you need to know/understand what your ears feel what sounds 'best'.

Please feel free to PM me.


If the M33 is plugged into the Isotek, unplug it from there and go wall outlet direct. Also have a decent gauge power cord for the M33. 14 gauge or thicker should be dandy. Do this and report back with any improvements or detriments.