What is the Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world?

Price no object.

Brand and Model is adequate.

If you have not listened to it,  please restrain yourself.


I raise this question because there is a maker claiming

to be the best. I am curious if it will garner votes. 

Conclusion out tomorrow!! 

Stay tuned!!!



I am really impressed by all the stand mount speaker brands/models  that have been posted. My budget is less. While I have mostly used floorstanders, I will not let loose of my old Reference 3A  MM MMC two ways made in Loudon France. They eventually became known as De Capos. I am still looking for a floor stander that can match the mid bass, mid range, and treble while providing a decent low end. It never ends I guess.

Maybe if you put the $150K Grandinote Mach 36’s on short stands they might the best in the world 🤔🤔 😃

Adding my voice to the chorus praising the Dynaudio Heritage Special.

This is, to me, the quintessential real world bookshelf speaker - expensive but not outrageously so, with superlative performance in a timeless package. 

Cabasse - La Sphère 


Only stand mount that can keep up with  giant floorstanders