How Did Your First Audiophile Experience Impact Your Audio Journey?

I am going to be somewhat liberal when choosing my first truly "Audiophile" experience.  In college I had a friend that had a pair of Definitive Technology BP2000 speakers that were by far the best speaker that I had every heard, but his style was mostly just blasting music which didn't appeal to me or demonstrate their true SQ.

My first true "audiophile" experience was visiting a local HiFi shop that appeared to be an almost tacky car audio place from the outside, but I had been told to ask about the basement.  The only thing that I remember was some Vienna Acoustics speakers that blew my mind.

When I was ready to dip a toe into the audiophile pool several years later, I went back to the shop and it had shifted it's focus to be exclusively home audio with Focal being their brand of choice.  Their main room gave me opportunity to audition  Focal speakers from the $750 bookshelf to the $180,000 Grande Utopia's.  What was cool looking back was that I was able to hear the most affordable speakers at their best because they were being powered by the huge Krell mono blocks that were there for the Grande Utopia speakers.  My favorite setup was Diablo Utopia speakers with a JL Audio Gotham subwoofer.  The sound that came out of a large bookshelf was mind bending to me.  As it turns out, Krell has continued to be a consistent amplifier that pulls me in whenever I'm around a system with them in it.  I also have continued to love the Focal sound and have never once thought about needing to upgrade mine even though I've heard objectively better speakers and know that there's a lot out there that are superior.

The thing that I look back on and laugh about from my auditioning and buying process was the pain that I must have put the salesman through listening to one of my Josh Groban CDs that I later discovered is a painfully poor recording.  Ironically, there was one song in particular that was used to make the final decision for which model to get.

I don't know how much my tastes are a result of being blown away with Focal speakers and Krell amplifiers being my first significant experience in the audiophile world or if I happened to be very fortunate by it also aligning to my taste.

- robot


My LSD memories include Don’t Crush..., American Metaphysical Circus (Mr. Natural) and Lord Love A Duck (windowpane) with colorized playback.

The repro equipment was inconsequential.

First real HiFi was Servo-Statik-1 with Arnie at CES Chgo. I stuck with ESL ever since even though the freind I went with had original Klipschorns in his corners ar home.

My LSD memories include...hmmm...wait...what was I thinking???

In reality, I first heard high end audio when a guy I worked for invited me to his home for a meal and music. He had 2 Klipsch Horns powered by 2 huge tubed McIntosh monoblocks, McIntosh preamp, and a top of the line Thorens TT (circa 1978). We listened to a lot of Grateful Dead which I did not care much for but after that day I fell in love with the band and this guy's stereo equipment. A few years later I bought a B&K ST140 and Pro 5 preamp, Mirage M760 speakers, Denon CD player, Dual TT, NAD Monitor Series 6300 cassette deck, and a Rotel tuner. A local shop was going out of business and I got one hella deal. He even threw in speaker cables and interconnects. Other than the tuner I still have all of the original equipment. Now I have Rogue M-180s, Rogue RP-7, Focal Kanta No.2s, Thorens TD-1601, Hegel V10 phonostage, an Ortofon Cadenza Blue, and an AURALiC Altair G1.1 as my main rig. 

Walked into an Audio store in Providence, heard large Bozak speakers with a pair of 30 watt Mac tube amps, Thorens turntable and a Shure cartridge. It opened my eyes and ears and the next year, 1971 right after I graduated high school, I used my graduation money to buy a Sansui 20wpc receiver, Rectilinear bookshelf speakers and an Empire 598 Troubadour turntable with a Pickering cartridge. I was so thrilled and proud and thought it was the best sounding system. My girlfriend and I spent a lot of the Summer listening to music in my room and smoking pot. Luckily mom and dad both worked during the day. Unfortunately, my girlfriend dumped me 2 months into college. Broke my heart and still remember like it was yesterday.😢

I've mentioned my audiophile history several times on this site, but I can't help but tell it again --

My dad was an audiophile/tinkerer. I watched him solder together Heathkit mono components on the kitchen table, including a tube power amp and an AM tuner. As my dad continued on his audiophile path, he'd give his old stuff to me.

I stopped caring about hi-fi when I got more interested in girls, but hifi came back into my life when I went to a buddy's apartment and heard his B&O(?) mini speakers. It got me going to L.A. hi-end stores and before long I had a NAD 3020 Integrated and KEF Corelli speakers.