When were the best tube amps made?

And what were they?

1980's Audio Research need not apply. 


Year 1967 we have original McIntosh C22 (original C22), now we have Mk V

could  anyone tell  me MK V is better or worse? It is the simple example for preamplifier




I love my VAC Renaissance 70/70 Mk II, it's 20 years old and still works great  However I am taking it back to Florida this January to get the latest MKIIIs updates, then it will out live me! Handmade in the USA!

I like the 45 tube tube too.  Are you using it single-ended with 94 db/w speakers?  That would be a bit on the edge.  I had a pushpull 45 amp which I used with 99 db/w speakers, and I had no issues with power, except for large choral works at somewhat high volume, but I did sense that I was at the edge.


I love my VAC Renaissance 70/70 Mk II, it's 20 years old and still works great  However I am taking it back to Florida this January to get the latest MKIIIs updates, then it will out live me! Handmade in the USA!

@fthompson251 I hear that's one of their classic models, definitely a keeper! There are still fans of their 300B sound before they transitioned to beam tetrodes.

@fthompson251 That’s cool! Will you be taking the older amp to the VAC factory in Sarasota FL I think it is?

For me this is notable testament of what some amp makers will do and others won’t when it comes to not only standing behind their product, but also upgrading it later for you too should you desire. I’ve had some older amps I wanted to keep beyond upgraded beyond caps I did myself, and the manufacturers would not do much more. Makes the original investment less worrisome too knowing that factory is there for you later on.  Good for you, Best of Luck on this. Please report back after to let us know how it goes!