Open Baffle Experience

Much has been said about open baffles, including an epic website by the late, great Dr. Linkwitz but I've only heard them really once, playing absolutely garbage music (thanks Pure Audio!) at a hotel.

I'm talking here about dynamic drivers in single baffles without enclosures, not ESLs or Magneplanar type systems.

I'm curious who has had them, and who kept them or went back to "conventional" boxes?

I'm not really looking to buy speakers, but I did start thinking about this because of a kit over at Madisound made with high quality drivers.




These Lindström Audio open baffles were really good. The price were around $10k in Sweden and it was one of the best speakers I heard that day (a small local Audio ahow).


Lindström Audio ISO 85 speakers, Viva amp and Revox tape deck. 

Obituary. I heard his open baffle speakers ( ) at the Seattle audio festival last summer and was impressed.



I saw a FS ad on USAudio this morning for a pair of Emerald Physics CS 3 MkIIs for a super price. I love love love my 3.4s for under a grand!!! Somebody please grab these

Sorry, I discovered this discussion as it is wrapping up. As others have said - I came to open baffle speakers (Emerald Physics 2.8's) through having first many closed box speakers - Linn, B & W, Audio Physics - and also a 12 year stint with Magnepan 3.6's.

What I like about these boxless dynamic speakers is the way they - in my room, my system, my ears - seem to embody the best parts of the other two technologies, without feeling (as much) the natural limitations of either. Of course, I cannot own the box speakers where wonderfully heroic technology can also eliminate those restrictions (Wilson, Magico). I haven't spent much time with the more affordable speakers that seem to work with those factors, instead of conquering them (like Harbeth). 

The Emerald Physics are more open and airy than my previous box speakers, and more punchy and dynamic than my Maggies were. They are not perfect, but it I am glad I came upon this funny piece of the loudspeaker landscape. I wish others could, too.


Btw, a great seller, Tyson, is on US Audio and AudioCircle (Trading Post and Spatial Audio Circle) selling his X3s in immaculate condition. Great speakers.