New DAC or New Streamer?

This should be fun. After I pay to get my amp upgraded at VAC next month  I plan to either upgrade my DAC or Streamer next. I should have enough for that by late spring/early summer. I'm retired so I save some each month until I have what I need. My system is in my user profile. But to keep this simple my current DAC is the Dinafrips Venus II I got a year ago. (I also have the Hermes DDC)

My streamer is the Cambridge CXN V2 via coax to the Hermes-> I2s -> DAC which is also 1 year old. I was just getting into streaming then and knew little about it. I have learned a lot this past year, a whole lot.

I think the bottle neck is leaning more toward the streamer. It seems the DAC is pretty good, I know there are much better DAC's out there but it holds it own I think. Maybe not? I cannot afford the likes of DCS, Lampizator, etc.

The next planned upgrades are a Terminator II DAC and Aurender N200 Streamer. Both are $5000-$6000. (Unless I go for the Terminator + DAC that is $7500 but I am not sure it is $2500 better than the Terminator II)

So, since both will get upgraded a year apart, which should I go for first? Which would provide the biggest upgrade?

Thanks. Happy holidays to all.


If you are using an Innuos streamer or server using the Sense app is superior to Roon software. They also are very consistent with upgrades.

This is my opinion and many here are of the same opinion. 

I was an early adapter of the Roon Ecosystem and bought the lifetime package. Sure glad my kids are using it.


Well said! I will go one step further…without network optimization, you’re not hearing full potential of your streamer or server. It is so vital to clean up the Ethernet signal from your modem or router before it enters your streamer/server. Even if your streamer/ server is galvanically isolated or use superior noise rejection circuitry, using some kind of noise filtering device is proven to be helpful in cleaning up the grunge. The degree of improvement from noise filtering devices may vary in each setup but they are generally effective. Please don’t go gadget crazy…IME, one or two high quality noise filtering devices are more than adequate, atleast that’s been true in my system.

Everything matters, starting with network optimization, high quality LAN cables, streamer/server and DAC. One other thing that is not often mentioned here is Grounding - passive or active. Grounding your components appropriately can have very profound effects on overall sound of your system by way of lowering the noise floor.

I agree with Charlesdad….  If you stream a lot , the Streamer is very important as it is akin to a CD transport.   Can you imagine pairing a $5000 DAC with a Coby DVD player as your transport?   It will work but you just inserted a major bottle neck into the digital chain.  

I also have a Bluesound Vault 2i and it’s been great.  It has so many things going for it , including convenience 

When I turn my TV on the Vault senses this , puts its input to Video and I now have. Control of the volume for TV and movies 

Tons of free content.   On and on.  

But when I really want quality over convenience I power up my Aurender and Stream Qobuz or Tidal     

Those streams sound good on the Vault but the Aurender is noticeably better in every metric. 


Those streams sound good on the Vault but the Aurender is noticeably better in every metric

l know that there are many happy owners of the Blue Sound streamer components.  I could begin here but reading comments like yours,sns, Lalit and other experienced streamers I may as well go a step (Or two) beyond. One thing I’ve vowed to do is avoid multiple boxes and cables.😊


I have a Cambridge Evo 150 all-in-one. This thing is like a Swiss army knife. Many ways to stream and DAC integrated in. Do they all sound exactly the same? No. Most sound very close though. Chromecast can be a straggler sometimes. Nature of the source material is the biggest variable by far. However I hear more in most recordings of decent or better quality than ever before.

I think for many who want to simply cut to the chase for top notch sound streaming an integrated device like this is the ticket.   This is a future-fi trend and I expect many other new and similar devices to be coming the consumers way in the near future.