All New Treehaus Audiolab Phantom Of Luxury Open-Baffle FIELD COIL Loudspeakers Review

Many say Field Coil Speakers are the Future of Speakers !

Here’s a review, all speaker drivers have AlNiCo Magnets too ! 

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I'd rather see the drivers in B&W shaped pods (to avoid any diffraction). Besides that, I've always thought field-coil is the way to go.

Check out the Wolf Von Langa Son speakers.   Great sounding speakers that work in most any sized room.  High quality build and interesting design. 

I thought the Treehaus speakers sounded much better last year at CAF than this year. I also very much liked the Wolf Von Langas at CAF as well as the Miyajima field coils.

@jond Last year they were using their best speakers at CAF 2021, the Phantom Of Luxury speakers. This year at CAF 2022, they were using their much cheaper National Treasure Speakers. They were picked as one of the best of show at CAF 2021 Show !