I get the logic of low power processor, minimal processing equals lower noise. But I and many others, specifically many individuals over at audiophilestyle.com have taken another path. Specifically, high power processors in custom build windows based platforms assembled with parts spec'd for lowest latency, noise, proprietary Linux OS and music players such as my Euphony OS and Stylus player. With my current setup, monitoring cpu usage, the highest percentage I ever see using Roon (every user accessible processing switch in off position) is 3%, usually 2% on only two of the cores, this thing is barely idling. In comparisons of this exact custom build streamer using inferior LPS to my present LPS, the two previous owners using it with Roon found it superior to Aurender W20SE running Conductor player, both only sold after direct comparison to Taiko Extreme which they purchased. The Conductor player, based on many reviews is top flight.
So, this brings to mind the idea that a higher power processor barely idling may in fact induce less noise into motherboards than the lower powered processor working at higher percentage of it's potential. Windows based motherboards also have theoretical advantage of powering processor and motherboards each with dedicated LPS, thus, greater isolation of processor to motherboard, resistance to induced processor noise. At present I prefer using Roon to my available proprietary Stylus player.
My take is a setup optimized for Roon can compete with or exceed sound quality of proprietary player. Also, mentioned in another thread I'm not done with experimentation of Stylus vs Roon, need JCAT USB XE board to compete on more level playing field.
The off the shelf streamers do have the advantage of optimal music player/hardware integration. Roon requires more diy integration since it is universal player. I can only say the SQ I'm presently getting with Roon competes with best vinyl I've heard in well over thirty years involvement in high end audio. Universal condemnation of Roon SQ undeserved, yes, it may not end up being my final solution, but the present solution gives me little motivation to move in another direction, in fact I'm further upping game with present setup.
I'll also mention Roon dsp far inferior to HQPlayer, for those with need for dsp, HQPLayer is way to go. The issue is one needs a high power processor in order to run HQP, very processor intensive, and the reason it plays on different level than the Roon, Roon dsp only for convenience. I've played with both dsp, and believe me. HQP plays on entirely different level, and this only with pcm. I've yet to delve into DSD conversions which are reportedly far superior. By the way, even with PCM HQP pretty impressive, still preferring Roon up to to this point.