Totally Ridiculous....Auditions on YouTube!

Is it just me, or is it total nonsense when YouTubers play music to suggest you can hear a difference between components. Totally drives me crazy and I discount anything they have to offer from that point on......


The first sentence is the key point, but the second is false. 

If you can decern a difference between two highly regarded pieces of HiFi equipment, after being recorded by even an extreme high end microphone into some type of recorded medium, through the internet, through routers, and ultimately played back through more routers and audio equipment.......Then something is really wrong with one or both of the devices being auditioned.....We have a hard time decerning "differences" of better HiFi equipment when we are in the same room with them!.....Yes, we can easily decern over the internet, the cry of a lion to that of an elephant......But Higher End HiFi gear....PLEASE!!!

I’m sure there are discernible differences between speakers, amps etc. in these YouTube videos. How could this possibly translate into useful information when heard through a phone or laptop speaker? 

It sounds ridiculous but it might give you some insight about whether you might want audition something in person. That’s probably the only way I think it might be useful. I certainly wouldn’t buy something or pass judgement based on that alone. Otherwise I think it’s just people who like to post YouTube videos.

Yes, we can easily decern over the internet, the cry of a lion to that of an elephant......But Higher End HiFi gear....PLEASE!!!


I have provided links to a graphic demonstration of (well-recorded) sound emanating from high-class, field-coil drivers. Feel free to provide a link to a video that demonstrates a speaker that employs a (typical) permanent magnet, and then tell me that you cannot discern a difference.

I do certainly agree that Youtube videos have serious limitations, but some useful information can be discerned from well-recorded videos.

I am a premium YouTube subscriber and I read above the bit rate increase this year?  Is this true? 

I have to admit lots of the YouTube Music videos and concert videos sound really good on a nice system.  I do question those crazy people doing poor quality videos of concerts and then posting them.  

YouTube audio sound comparisons between components is absolutely ridiculous and done rather poorly too.  I wish the upload or's would give their views but what they are listening to and that would be of interest rather than leaving it to the viewers.

If I download a video from YouTube versus streaming, is the download version of better quality?????

I just discovered I have 90 videos downloaded and no idea how this happened and now I gotta get rid of many of them. Download interface is horrifying