Need advice for upgrading my analog setup


I got into records 2 years ago and have been using ProJect Carbon Debut Evo with a Sumiko Rainier cartridge. It has served me great as my first table and a way to see if I would enjoy playing records. Well I do enjoy records. And my dad gave me all of his records too (he's a CD guy but never abandoned his collection when vinyl fell out of vogue).

Anyway, I'm planning to upgrade my entire analog setup and I'm very much a buy once , cry once kind of person. I'm looking at a SOTA Sapphire, Origin Live Zephyr tonearm, and a Soundsmith Zephyr Mk.III cartridge. Is this a good combination? Are there any other combinations of gear in the $6k range I should consider? I try to buy American as much as I can. I've looked at VPI but I like the look of SOTA much more.

Oh and I'm using a Darlington Labs MP-7 phono preamp that I'm happy with and don't plan on replacing.

Thanks for reading and helping me out.


My experience has been that turntables require appropriately high quality phono stage to sound their best. While I have not heard the Darlington Labs MP-7 phono preamp, I have doubts that it would be up to the sound quality of your intended new turntable. My general rule of thumb is a very carefully chosen phono stage in the same cost range as the turntable. Whenever over the last five decades of me violating this I later found the Phonostage was significantly compromising the sound quality of my turntable.

There are many excellent used high end phono stages on the market. 

"I’m using a Darlington Labs MP-7 phono preamp that I’m happy with and don’t plan on replacing."

It will serve its purpose, but to get the most of the proposed setup, consider $3-5K in a "proper" phonostage.

It looks like you have done your homework. I would not mind you upgrading a notch to The Voice. Best high output cartridge made IMHO. 


@mijostyn - I had not heard of this cartridge but I'll look into it and consider it. Truth be told I'm not in a super huge rush so delaying the build a month or two to fund that cart doesn't seem like too bad of an idea.

@ghdprentice and @tablejockey - What are some worthy phono preamps in this price range to consider? It's possible I'll save that upgrade for further down the road to keep my upgraditis satisfied.