Balanced Inputs

I have a preamp that has only one set of balanced inputs. What source would I get the most benfit using the balanced inputs:  My external DAC or phono preamp?



It is my understanding that balanced audio circuits typically  “add” 6 db of gain compared with a single ended circuit.


Two questions:

1.  Do your DAC and Phono stage both have differential balanced circuitry?

2.  What source do you use the most?

In my preamp a balanced input has 6 db of gain compared with RCA.  I'd prioritize using XLR for components designed to optimize the signal path first then the source I use the most.

I play cds 75% of the time. Parasound states a 6db gain using the balanced interconnect Don't know about the transformers.

Balanced inputs often offer 6dB increased gain.

@cleeds @charles1dad 

This is only true if the equipment supports the balanced standard. Otherwise the gain does not change.

I don't think any of my gear is truely balanced.  I have a modest system:

Technics SL-100C turntable

Ortofon 2M Black cartridge

Denafrips Ares II DAC

Audiolabs 6000CDT transport

Parasound Zphono XRM

Almost all phono cartridges are balanced sources and most tonearms (including all Technics arms I've seen) are too. Your Parasound treats the balanced source as single-ended however. But it does have balanced outputs...

So I would put this down to which source you want better fidelity since the balanced connection usually offers better sound quality.

If my amp and preamp were fully differential I would care, but I’m single ended.  If I had balanced amps I would probably seek out gear that was also balanced.  

As others have said there is a lot of gear that has XLR outs that aren’t really balanced.  My DAC has both.   They both sound identical and are the same output.

It’s a $1600 up charge for a “balanced” output.  They clearly state it in their literature, but for that much I would go up a rung up the DAC ladder.