Intriguing Speakers From Germany



@timlub I’m not certain, yet at one point the presenter comments the lower midrange-woofer driver on one of the speakers being shown are "custom made" to their specifications, with a minimal crossover. Behind the lower grille cloth on one of the lower drive units, you can almost see a center alloy ring peeking through where a voice coil dust cover cover would normally be. Not anything I recognize from an OEM I’m familiar with these days. Would have to hear them in person to understand what’s really going on there. Interesting though, and fun to see new designs. Will try to watch it again this coming weekend to see what else to pick up on.

@decooney . No worries. I thought you had used the same woofer from their mtm. Just wondering what it was.

Was the room they were in completely untreated? His voice sounded a like it had some echo in it 

Yet another audiophile speaker. Seems like a vanity project of the founder. I don’t perceive any new technology or approach to the science or the market. Success will come down to are they capitalized enough to last long enough to generate a following to pay the bills which will be tough without differentiation.


Microphones often have non flat responses and their acceptance/polar patterns are different from our hearing.


Microphones often have non flat responses and their acceptance/polar patterns are different from our hearing.

Microphones might hear differently one to another. However, a mic hears same persistently. A human ear can hear differently each time for the same sound. The mics don’t change like human ear does.

Audiophile Junkie (Ytube ID) recorded many rooms at the Home Entertainment show (2022) with a same recorder (same mic). In this room the human voice and audio sound are at same tone and timber. This room sound is very close to real natural sound (people’s voice). And people's voices don't bother to listen the audio sound.


The other room by AJ recorder (same mic), the human voice and audio sound are very different. In below video, human voices (from 5:00) sound real and feel nice. When the music starts from 7:50, the audio sounds much different from the human voice.

The true hi-end audio system should sound natural and similar to the original music.
