A costlier DAC should, at least in theory, produce more accurate output. Specs like ultra-low THD are not very important when considering which DAC to buy. Like I said before, if you can’t hear it, it doesn’t matter. Tons of negative feedback in the circuit and other shortcomings...and many who have not heard a lot of audio gear before are quick to praise it...simply because it produces sound/ouput!!
Ranking by cost alone may not provide the results you want. It’s all about the design topology, quality and longevity ratings of internal parts, protocols, USB controllor specs, and of course the designers intent. Do you want a very detailed DAC? then go hunting for "accurate or resolving DACs" online. A lot of pro audio gear (such as steinburg interfaces, for example are more suited for recordeding and will not reach the same level of performance as a standalone DAC. Once again, cost savings.
At any rate, software settings on programs such as jriver can alter the sound quality of a DAC in many different ways. If you’ve got a resolving DAC that sounds cold for example, you can easily fixate its tonal quality to be a bit warmer and easier on the ears. The details in the music will still be there...just less obvious or upfront.
I’ve read quite a few of @jasonbourne52 posts, and much of what he says is practical and makes sense.
Also, from my experience with my current equipment, some tracks are mastered at high levels. I assume the double gain (eg from the DAC and the preamp) exacerbates the loudness. Some tracks sound like screaming vocals. I assume that won’t allow me allow to realize the full potential of the amplifier if I have to listen at low levels.
Right, these folks don’t match for LUFS!! Look this one up...
Other problems include excessive dithering, not converting a CD quality file to 32 bit by 96 KHz or higher, dynamic range compression, Equalization mistakes, etc.
And you’re absolutely right about that. Having to turn down the volume because of problems with loudless won’t allow you to experience full extent of the music.
Which tracks? I’d love to fix them.