Raysonic CD228

Has anyone heard the new Raysonic CD228?
Nope, but according to S.Monte of QFS and owner of NAT distribiution it is the best Raysonic yet......I mean it has to be - it is twice as expencive as their recently released top dog.
I will surely have a listen in the very near future. It is said that it is build to make the statment in the high end CDP market.....we will see...........

I think its funny how they call the seperate power supply a "Fission Power Source"! Hmm a nuclear-powered CD Player! LOL
Owning a 168 with cryoed NOS tubes, Morrow MAP 2 power cord 168 resting on Herbies Isocup/balls which are sitting on a combination of 2 large ERAudio Harmonizer boards as a sandwhich using Machina Dynamica Promethean Springs, AND , and playing it through the XLR outputs direct to my active XO, it would be hard to imagine they could advance the sonics much ;)

Things I would like to see one additional input, and polarity control on the remote. OTher than that, I can't imagine it being "THAT" much better
Paul, I disagree, his 168 will be better than ever once he starts using that new hair dryer for $230 that will demagnetize his disc collection!
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