Too many variables for a valid or controlled A/B comparison here that would apply to anything other than the specific system cited and employed for this particular A/B comparison. For example, there are several ways to "digitize a vinyl record". Not familiar with the TT used but I've done considerable seat-time with an Ortofon Blue + Rega P3 + MAC amp + Luxman amp + Focal Aria 936 + (either a NAIM or Rega CD Player-can't remember which or the model number) + clean (as in ultrasonically cleaned) Mobile Fidelity vinyl repressing of an acoustic guitar artist I can't recall + CD Red Book). My ears definitely preferred vinyl over CD that day and I didn't have to listen hard or for very long to reach that conclusion. Other ears may have preferred CD or the digital sound that day. Who knows? To each his own! That's what makes the world go round!
I've done serious seat-time comparisons with other high-end systems incorporating CD Players and high-resolution streaming services. One system configuration I heard, a couple years ago, using a MAC (either the MA 9500 or the MA 8950 - can't remember which) + a pair of Sonus Faber towers (think it was the Sonetto V) + high-end streamer & high-resolution service (can't remember specifics on that) came about as close to equaling the sound quality of good, clean vinyl recordings that I've ever heard. To my ears, when all systems are equalized or when component synergy & sources are factored in, good, clean vinyl recordings sound more life-like or like actually being there than digital. It's as though you can almost hear or, rather, feel the emptiness or silence of the room or venue the performance occurred in or was recorded in. For me, digital lacks that air or that silent background open spaciousness. Good, clean vinyl recordings capture that and always seem to have just a little bit more or truer top end (cleaner, clearer high frequency) and low end (tighter, cleaner, more realistic bass response) than a comparable digital recording. That's about as well as I can describe it. Maybe it's all a matter of auditory neuroscience? In any case, it's a little like trying to describe what the color blue looks like to a person who's been totally blind from birth. Discussions like this (i.e. digital sound better than vinyl?) are a lot like the never-ending debate over which speaker cables or interconnects sound better. Your ears know what you like. Listen to them!