

Over the years I have kept most, but not all, of the original-equipment boxes that came with my gear.  With that being said, I recently upgraded my speakers and plan to re-sell my older speakers. 

Q - Do the original speaker-boxes have value to potential buyers (for retail outlets? for over-seas markets? other?)

Thanks in advance for any insight...



Ag insider logo xs@2xinagroove

I don't know about potential buyers, but they certainly have value to you. You need them to ship the speakers.

i agree w @roxy54 

I keep every box my equipment comes in, even the small stuff like cables. Especially since I tend to change stuff frequently. 

Just like owning a lawnmower, keeping equipment boxes stopped when we sold our home and moved to a condo. I am just not willing to use valuable square footage for something I may never need. 

Yes.. Keep.. My spouse not wrong when she says they take up a lot of room.