About "musical."
Language can be used in all kinds of ways, so I will remain open to uses of "musical."
The logical part of my brain cannot stop hearing the "beg the question" fallacy in the use of the word.
To "beg the question" (also called petitio principii) is to attempt to support a claim with a premise that itself restates or presupposes the claim. It is an attempt to prove a proposition while simultaneously taking the proposition for granted.
When the fallacy involves only a single variable, it is sometimes called a hysteron proteron (Greek for "later earlier"), a rhetorical device, as in the statement:
Opium induces sleep because it has a soporific quality.
[The speakers sound good because they have a musical quality.]
Reading this sentence, the only thing one can learn is a new word in a more classical style (soporific), for referring to a more common action (induces sleep), but it does not explain why it causes that effect.