DAC for second system

Putting together an office audio system; with space constraints ( not to mention cost).

Looking at R2R  NOS DACS; for an organic sounding system.

There are many threads on Border Patrol, MHDT, Lab 12 etc.  I see there is an upgraded ( as compared to earlier threads) Border Patrol SE-1.

Any listening perspectives on the upgraded model.

Any suggestions in the 2-3 K price point ( up to 5 if its really good ).



I have the LAB 12 and it’s a great sounding DAC.   Zero features but great sound 

for a small form factor dac with a highly organic and musical presentation, i can heartily recommend a tube buffered dac from mhdt - orchid, stockholm, istanbul, toucan etc etc... lovely, highly refined sweet yet resolving sound, small footprint

greater resolving power than the border patrol (i have had both side by side), sense of space and clearer leading edge transients without any trace of harshness

in the past couple years, i’ve compared the orchid (stock and grannyring modded) against ayre codex, musical paradise, various schiit, chord, denafrips, and numerous higher priced units


oh oops, sorry.

I use an Auralic Altair G1 in my vacation home.  It TOTALLY outclasses and upgrades my 20 year old Parasound / B/W 802N system.  I run it on wifi and it works perfectly.