Goodbye Everyone

Rather than just disappear, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me help, taught me stuff, the many friendly members.



You're a good man....Steve Hoffman and Andrew Robinson are also good men.....Anyone who makes a hobby out of listening to MUSIC , has Good in them.....Everyone here has an amount of Good in them just for the fact that you're here. God Bless you all and God Bless MUSIC !  What would we ever do without it.  Music is Life.


😔             ....the brain pool is leaking....faster?

...seems that way, today...'s too obvious you'll be sorely missed.

...anyone that can tolerate my missives', anyway.

Fare thee well, wherever that fare may take you. ;)


forbidding users to share their contact info seems the most juvenile thing I have seen on forums, 2nd to the selective moderation