CD player NOT made in China under $1,000?

Is there a CD player NOT Made in China, but preferably Made in Quality, under $1,000?
Kira- all American assembly line workers are "uneducated semi-illiterate" individuals? Really?

So should we assume that a Chinese assembly line individual would be better educated?

Of course Chinese manufacturing has it's advantages. If the Chinese guy fails to show for work, the State police go to his hovel and investigate. And the worker has very little access to information that is not filtered by his employer or government, so he can concentrate better on the task at hand.

There is no doubt that the Chinese are building very high quality products these days. But in no way are the two economic systems you contrast remotely alike. I'm not a union man, and I am a free market, free enterprise booster. But that whole communist angle makes the comparison between US and Chinese manufacturing a bit more tricky than it might appear.
The Njoe Tjoeb 4000 is a Marantz 4000 made in china, then shipped to Europe for modifications. It is a very high quality peice which I have used for the past 3 years. Trouble-free, but it is made in China. I also like my Jolida which is originally made in China, then shipped to the US for final assembly, QA and minor modifications. It is modded in Canada. You can tell people it is made in Canada or the US or China, depending on who you are talking to! But the same quality made in the US or Canada or Europe will be twice as much. For that, you can assure yourself that you are contributing to the decent wages, benefits and lifestyles of the workers, or you can do what most Americans do, go to Walmart, not give a damn, and buy the cheaper one. Now China has followed the lead of Japan from the 60s and 70s and turned cheap crap into well-made machines that rival anyone's. We can hope that someday the workers of China will have decent wages, benefits, and lifestyles