CD player NOT made in China under $1,000?

Is there a CD player NOT Made in China, but preferably Made in Quality, under $1,000?
The first Hondas looked like pregnant roller skates.

I recall laughing hysterically at the time thinking they (Honda and Japan for that matter) could only do motorcycles.

Not lawn mowers
Not generators
Not snowblowers
Not racing engines
Not Accords
Not Acuras

Ditto Toyota, Nissan (Datsun at the time), Mitsubishi, and Suburu.

Those Japanese aren't so funny anymore are they?
I bought my first Toyota back in 76. Drove it for 5 years. During that time it needed a brake job and a battery. Since then I have owned 8 more Toyotas. My current Toyota was made in Kentucky while my Ford Focus was made in Mexico.
As for my stereo, the components in my current system were all built in the USA. Fantastic quality IMO.
Bill; With all due respect, the differences between Japan and China are glaring. Again, I have no doubt about the quality of many Chinese products- it's that damn political system I despise.
OK bad example.

But if only Honda and Toyota would get into high end audio........
Cary is now making their cd players in China (Hong Kong). I believe this began with the 308 model. For my money, I like the Rega Apollo.
