Single driver speakers without the pitfalls?

In researching SET amps, I have learned a lot more about the sort of high efficiency speakers that they are typically paired with, including single driver models like Omega, Blumenstein, Teresonic, etc.
The advantages of these designs are well acknowledged: coherence, imaging, high-efficiency and so forth.
At the same time, there seem to be equally well acknowledged drawbacks to these designs: Limited bass response, rolled off highs, and a harshness or "shout" in the upper midrange.
Some designers, like Tekton and Zu, seem to take the approach of getting the best of all worlds by joining a wide range driver to a tweeter of some sort. (To some extent, my Reference 3AM De Capo monitors take this approach.)
What I'm curious to learn is whether you think there are any single driver, full range systems that transcend the above limitations.
Eager to hear your thoughts.
Yes, totally, absolutely! I have enjoyed the De Capo's so much over the past couple of years and I have no intention of ditching them anytime soon. I hope and suspect that you are right – that the De Capo sounds fantastic with the SET amplification. By the way, spoke to Brian over at Audio Note this morning, and my kit should be shipping out tomorrow (Friday) or Monday at the latest. I can't wait. :-)
By the way, I am going to be blogging about the building of my amp. If anybody out there is interested in following along, I have already started the blog and it is here.

Good luck on your build & blog. Have you considered some of the fancier build techniques that are described all over the internet for Audio Note kits? I know that some builders even go so far as to use the PCB to lay out the parts, but they then hard wire the circuit with wire that follows the board traces.

Another interesting thing that some builders do is to employ wire looms to hold wires together neatly instead of plastic ties. A friend of mine uses this "old school" practice. Note that other builders actually dislike having wires neatly grouped together because of the electromagnetic coupling (inductance) and prefer a "bird's nest" haphazard form of wiring. I don't know what is the "right" approach and would be inclined to follow the manual myself, but, I thought you should know about the lively discussions out there on Audio Note builds. For example, take a look at this discussion of wire looms:
This is super interesting. He even has a blow-by-blow description of building an older version of the Kit 1! Cool.
I never knew about wire looming - very interesting. I know about the rap against neat wire bundling causing inductance, etc. Steve Deckert of Decware told me that he deliberately doesn't bundle his amp wires for that very reason.
As for eliminating the PCB's and hard wiring the whole kit, I think I'm going to pass on that option! Although it may sound nominally better if you get it right, I think I'd forfeit any claim to Brian's tech support time if I do radically circumvented the build instructions. Also, this kit wasn't cheap, and the thought of ruining it is sobering!
I know your blog is in its early stage but I'm enjoying your style already and look forward to more.
This is all good stuff. I'll be soaking it all in so in 10 years or so if/when I retire I can perhaps be more DIY perhaps. They say you become more like a child again as you grow older. I built many electronic kits as a kid, nothing so bold as a high end SET though. Those experiences have served me well.