Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables

Why I don/t know, but the first thread has been removed recently. So, having benefited from it greatly, I felt compelled to recap my journey, so that others of limited budgets might make a huge leap that they otherwise could not afford:

When I first got my EVS 1200 I was using Series 8 WireWorld interconnects, speaker cables and Pangea Premier XL 1.5m coax cable. As you mentioned, I was extremely happy with the amp (compared to PS Audio M700s). Eventually I came across the Chinese Cable knockoff thread and first tried the fau-Nordost Odin 1.5m coax which was/is amazing: as they were so cheap compared to the $169 1.5m Pangea, I also bought a 1.0M Odin, but didn’t try it until after I replaced both the WW cables with Odin 2 XLRs and cables. Then I replaced the 1.5m with the 1.0 and was kinda blown away that 0.5m of the same coax could be THAT much better.

While my all SS system sounded very good, it was a bit too sharp, so I ordered Odin Gold speaker cables (at ~ $170/2.5m). Unfortunately one leg must of had a bad solder joint as it barely sent the music . It took a couple months before they replaced it, which I finally installed 2 days ago: BAM. Even immediately, but of course it needs break in time. The weather here (Ft Lauderdale) has been really bad, I have only left for short quick trips. Today we are under a tornado watch, so won't leave, but as soon as I can get out for a few hours I will put on my XLO burn-in disc, which I use on everything I insert, including the M 700s, EVS, and Voyager which expedites break in, which still takes a good 50-100-200 hours!

Summing this up: cables can/do make or break a system. If I had these cables when I first got the EVS, I probably would never have gotten the Voyager, which of course I am itching to compare again, but could still be awhile


@yada  the link you provided is for interconnects. Im looking for Odin Gold COAX

@middlemass  Thanks for the link. The jacketing appears much thicker. To be clear, I mean that they spool. The big question for me (as you said they lay flat) are they much better than Odin 2 Gold, which sound amazing in my system

These knock-offs are cheap enough to take apart and carefully examine, preferably under microscope or magnifier. They are not high quality smooth copper with premium insulation. Just try and see! The uneven texture of the conductors can be seen in a photo from your phone. 

I had to find out that the cable that  was offered a furutech was a cheap terrible copy...wont do that again.Taiwan different story. 

For kicks (and a waste of a little disposable income), I decided to investigate these knock-off cables.  Or at least one in particular, the AudioQuest Vodka48.  I knew I'd be throwing away money so I picked one that was fairly cheap.  I happen to own a genuine Vodka48 and so this was an easy choice to make. 

The outer box looks pretty good but I have yet to compare it to my legit box which is stored away.  I also knew right away while opening the box, this cable was phony.  It is significantly lighter in weight than any of my AQ HDMI cables.  I own (3) Carbons and a Vodka48.  After finally untying all the tie-wires, I got the cable out and it was way, way too flexible.  The real AQ cables are VERY stiff.  This faux-AQ cable feels like many of the $15 - $20 generic cables that I've bought off of Amazon for my less expensive video sources.  The outer weave on the cable is also shinier and more blue than the OG.  But overall, it looks decent though that you probably wouldn't notice unless you do a direct comparison.  The connectors are probably the most realistic looking out of everything.  They did pretty well in copying the look of the AQ jackets. 

But if anyone is looking to buy used AQ HDMI cables (which I would never recommend even if a dealer is selling them), the cable is the most obvious clue in counterfeits.  AQ cables should be VERY stiff and heavy.  These are quite pliable, light and cheap feeling.  I am not even going to hook this piece up to any equipment.

This thread made me really curious.I bought a pair of  gold colored ICs called "Cardas" for $27.I have no idea which Cardas the pair is trying to emulate but it does indeed sound way over the top warm and fuzzy. Two things I enjoyed were the vocals are warm and beautiful, the bass is very deep,full,and articulate.But the highest frequencies have vanished,no cymbals anymore.Some instruments are over emphasized and there's poor separation and no depth. Extremely warm and "tubey".They look and feel substantial with very nice locking RCAs. It's either going in the junk box or upstairs on the receiver in the guest room. Curiosity satisfied.