The damper, the tension wire and cantilever position

This question is for Dover. I would prefer our ''heighest authority'' Carr but

am reluctant to bather his with possible silly question. Dover however,

whom I regard as ''second authority'' , is used to answer also silli questions.

Now my assumption is that damper to which coills are ,say, pressed

by tension wire  balance cantilever/stylu combo in  ''all directions'';

left and right and above and below . BUT they also MUST FOLLOW


My observation however is that also ''deviant'' cantilevers which

nobody would buy look STRAIGHT IN DE GROOVE. Ergo:: it is

the groove which determine cantilevet/stylus position .?


boxcarman, I made an mistake. Logic is to much to ask. Check instead  ''staw man''

strategy by ''discussion.'' . 

This post makes me tired.

And thankful that I only have two needles.

Of which I'm sure both are set up incorrectly.


Assertion that anti-skate causes crooked cantilevers IMPLY that NO ánti-skate 

dees  the same in opposite  direction. .


Curious that you answer the question about the ''subject matter''

which you don't understand. 

No. Curious that I had to “assume” what the OP was asking. And now you’re “assuming” you KNOW what the OP was asking…

So how do you “know” I answered him correctly, or NOT???

You don’t. Actually, you have no idea one way or the other, yet you find latitude to criticize me. 

That’s RICH!!!!