Perfect Vinyl Forever

I have quite a few LPs that I would like to clean better than with my manual technique.  It is not cost effective for me to buy an Ultrasonic device.  Any experience that can be shared with the mail in service, "PERFECT VINYL FOREVER"?


wolfie62: not all U/S are created equal, and back in 2007 you'd be looking at lower frequency and less powerful transducers. I clean with a Loricraft followed by a Degritter. I can't cure scratches(!), but it is rare for a record not to be silent after that.

My Record Doctor cleans my old Vinyl to perfection...You don’t need to spend a fortune on record cleaning machines...just $229......

@wolfie62  Dogberry is right. US can't cure abused records, but US gets the most from the records you have.

I run a high power lab unit at 80KHz, 2 records at a time. If you fill a low power unit running at 40 KHz with 10 records, you won't get much cleaning.

Full disclosure: ESL system, air bearing turntable. I think I'd detect a null effect. 


you responses are appreciated, BUT AGAIN, I am asking not your opinions on various LP cleaning methods, not your personal preferences, not what machine(s) are preferred or Hz levels,  not whether you think the price per LP is reasonable, BUT simply experience with sending LPs to others to have them was the service itself, the results and your overall satisfaction.....thank you

I have used PVF probably a dozen times over the past 5 years. It is an excellent service. Very professional. Never a hiccup. 
I clean my records once with PVF and they don’t need to be cleaned again but for an occasional rinse. If they are handled with care and returned to sleeve right after usage. No need to bother with a home unit I have found.