Most amusing album or song titles

Loudon Wainwright III: Attempted mustache.

Do comedy tracks count?  I like the Austin Lounge Lizard song which packs every line with redundancies.  It is set in the old west.  Some of the redundancies are sort of subtle, such as "As the sun sets in the west. . ." (which other direction would it set?).  The name of the track has two redundancies: "Big Rio Grande River."

Bellamy Bros.: "If I Said You Have a Beautiful Body, Would You Hold it Against Me."

The jazz fusion band, Brand X (with Phil Collins on Drums) had a few.

Album title - Moroccan Roll

Song titles:

Why Should I Lend You Mine (When You've Broken Yours Off Already)..

...Maybe I'll Lend You Mine after All

Algon (Where an Ordinary Cup of Drinking Chocolate Costs £8,000,000,000)

The entire subgenre of prog known as Canterbury has pretty good sense of humor with regards to song titles.

Hatfield and the North:

Lobster in Cleavage Probe

Gigantic Land-Crabs in Earth Takeover Bid

 (Big) John Wayne Socks Psychology on the Jaw

Your Majesty is Like a Cream Donut

Caravan band album titles:

Cunning Stunts

For Girls Who Grow Plump in the Night

Gilgamesh band album - Another Fine Tune You've Gotten Me Into