Most amusing album or song titles

Loudon Wainwright III: Attempted mustache.

Bellamy Bros.: "If I Said You Have a Beautiful Body, Would You Hold it Against Me."

The jazz fusion band, Brand X (with Phil Collins on Drums) had a few.

Album title - Moroccan Roll

Song titles:

Why Should I Lend You Mine (When You've Broken Yours Off Already)..

...Maybe I'll Lend You Mine after All

Algon (Where an Ordinary Cup of Drinking Chocolate Costs £8,000,000,000)

The entire subgenre of prog known as Canterbury has pretty good sense of humor with regards to song titles.

Hatfield and the North:

Lobster in Cleavage Probe

Gigantic Land-Crabs in Earth Takeover Bid

 (Big) John Wayne Socks Psychology on the Jaw

Your Majesty is Like a Cream Donut

Caravan band album titles:

Cunning Stunts

For Girls Who Grow Plump in the Night

Gilgamesh band album - Another Fine Tune You've Gotten Me Into



USA prog band, Happy the Man had a few song tittles that were amusing:

Lunch at the Psychedelicatessen

Knee Bitten Nymphs in Limbo

I Forgot to Push It  - The band just got done playing an especially strong take of the song, but the recording engineer forgot to push the button to start recording)