Hilde 45 i adressed the short post of the second poster....
Not your good will and well intentionated post...
I already said that you were right...I even apologize to be centered on my own "investigation" and a bit heavy to read...
I dont want to push you out of this thread because you always are rational and interesting...
You never say that my post was "too long"... The other poster did perhaps only joking... But i am sensitive to truth and i dont like irrational not founded in truth criticism... And as a third poster astute observation revealed soon after this second poster joke or ad hominem criticism, in my apparently "too short" now introducting post, i forgot to eloaborate about dynamic and musicality as conditions for "immersiveness" ... Proof that my introducting post was too short and lacking in precision because i was supposing that timbre c experience imply them, it imply them but not completely as very well described by ghdprentice useful post ...Thanks to him it is corrected and open now to a deeper discussion...I forgot that our own history and perception differ a lot for sure...
In the opposite your critic was right from the beginning and on good faith i take it as such if i may repeat what i already said ... ...But when someone say that a post contains too much words it is meaningless criticism with no arguments or ad hominem one ...Or a joke...
Anyway this thread is about complex problems ...
My very best to you...
For what it’s worth -- I don’t care how long your posts are. You can do what you want.
My advice is only relevant to you if you want more people to read and consider what you say. If you don’t mind that most people will skip your post and that allows you to write what you want, go ahead.
There’s no "right" or "wrong" here. It’s a question of whether you want to have more people in conversation or if you don’t mind people ignoring you. In case you care, I will ignore posts that are long and hard to follow. But you may not care! That’s ok. Up to you. Be well.