Question about how analog audio recording works


My wife and I are high and having a discussion about how sound is recorded on records. I have an, I think, more than average understand of how sound and recording/playback works so I was trying to explain how grooves on the record represent sound waves.

What we don't understand is how polyphony is physically represented. So I can see how a single sine can easily be represented on a record. But when you're talking several sounds at once, some on the same pitch some now, dozens of timbres happening all at once, how do we differentiate those sounds on a physical medium like vinyl, or how do we represent it digitally? Is it literally nothing more than 1s and 0s? That'd be sick

Anyway, I hope this makes sense. Thanks!


@mahgister , adaptation is the key to human survival. 

What are you driving your headphones with? Triodes seem to be the thing now a days. 

@mahgister , adaptation is the key to human survival.

What are you driving your headphones with? Triodes seem to be the thing now a days.


Yes we must adapt but without cooperation ( my wife and doctor) first no adaptation will be useful very long ... I admire Darwin not the neo- Darwinians... If i can tease you... 😉

i begins to drive them with my beloved Sansui Au-7700 which was driving my speakers with an organic almost tube-like sound but it is as you know  an S.S. design...

 The AU-7700 is one of the best Sansui but the K340 are not only hungry, but very picky and revelatory of noise more than my speakers was , and i discovered that what was acceptable from my speakers Mission Cyrus in my room was not acceptable by the AKG K340... Too high noise floor from the Sansui Au 7700...

I then swithch toward the top Sansui line the alpha series... i pay 300 bucks for this Sansui alpha AU 607-i ...

This one is not  as a tube-like sound but it sound more S.S. ,more cold than warm, from my speakers when i connected it to them  it sound the same from the K340... More cold but with my speakers i prefered the Au-7700 ...But it was i needed for the K340...

There exist better amplifier no doubt even if it was the best of Sansui in 1987...But my budget is very limited...

Anyway after 6 modifications inside and around the AKG K340 which takes me 6 months of listening experiments ( because i learned how this hybrid with passive grid of 5 resonators inside creating a dual acoustic chamber in the shell must work optimally i even read the Dr. Gorike patent to do it) ...  After my long process of optimization i was very satisfied by my soundfield 3-D filling the room as speakers did in many recordings...

This is the only successful hybrid in history and a complex design to figure out if we want to optimize it...

My dreamed amplifier is the Berning ZOTL tube amp , because of price, and because tubes in it  have a 10,000 hours life span and stay always cold as temperature of the room ... And the K340 need more a cold sound as in S.S. to my ears to shine  than a warm one to shine... And the tube amp of Berning sound more like S.S. with no harshness though... I never listen to it but i read all reviews..

I am completely satisfied now with the Sansui alpha... But i dream to try the ZOTL...It is not necessary... My actual system is better than my speakers/room on many acoustic factors because my Mission Cyrus so good they were for their price and they were good , lack deep bass and did not have the electro-static high frequencies i can enjoy now... And because of his inside grid of passive Helmholtz resonators able to fool the brain, i enjoy out of the head and speaker like realistic sound..

If i listen big organ , the organ is not in my head, the organ fill the roo0m and i feel it with my body and feet at 30 hertz by bone resonance... It is incredible and no headphones i own (9) would even compare... I dont use them... And now being no more  sad with the lost of my room and in better health,my house sold,  i came back here again...

By the way the atma-spehere tube amplifier is spectacularly beautiful and the reviews are unanimous for sound quality...Congratulations! But it is double the price of the ZOTL amplifier which i cannot afford anyway and i will never be able to pick one and the other for comparison...

But there is no frustation, my actual low cost system is anyway at 600 bucks the best i ever heard and i cannot fault it... i will keep my illusions and invest money in music... i did not bother myself with sound  anymore and the 3-D sound effect out of the head i was liking in my room is now around me again differently but not in a bad or worst way at all with this headphone...

My best to you...