Rate the Audiophile Publications

What's your experience with recommended (or trashed)systems in the audiophile publications (Stereophile, Absolute Sound, What Hi Fi...)? I just read a nice thread by Trgi@flash.net (gregg) asking about the highly rated BEL 1001 and he got a couple of negative replies. That got me to thinking -- which magazines (paper or online) are trustworthy according to fellow audiogoners? Any opinions or experiences? Everyone has a different ear, but are there obvious omissions or differences of experience? Thanks.
Hi Ozfly; I now like TAS the best. That said, I've auditioned and purchased many components or speakers that are/were Stereophile recommended, and they were all good recommendations with one exception-- which I won't mention.

But when you start dealing with expensive components, say $4K or more, each has its own personality and must be judged in a system and personal preference context. I think Stereophile's reputation has slipped significantly in the last 2-3 years, eg it's no longer in the hands of audiophiles, and now their recommendations carry less weight with me. Listener Mag. is coming on especially in the area of lower priced but very good components. All IMO. Craig
I like HiFi Plus, it is a British mag, bit pricey when compared with Stereophile (8 issues for $50+)however, nice to the point reviews...!
I like Listener and Hi-Fi Choice the best I think they have fun and I think they are not as pompous as HP from abso!ute sound. I like writers who can hear other sides to the way other may hear them and different equipment can be used with that piece. It's not all a straight line folks! Otherwise we would all be there by now! There are no perfect pieces of equipment out there! I want writers who know that and know they are not experts, like Art Dudley. Good Guy!
I would like to express my opinion about the trend in these magazines. I remember the day when TAS did not get advertising. The magazine was pricey but that was required so that it could be published. Now the price of the magazine i down and the number of ads are WAY up. It is the advertising money that pays the salarys. Do you REALLY believe they will "bite the hand that feeds them"? I consider the current state of the big guys rag to be simular to the sunday funnies. They are good for a laugh. I get them just to find out what is in the news. I look to all of you for the hard core advice!
An interesting info site also deals with this subject. Go to www.high-endaudio.com/index_ac.html and check out "reviewing the reviewers". Got this from a relevant thread here at a-gon.
In essence, the writer agrees with sqjudge.
I, too, read mags for news and (rare) equipment set-up info. No disrespect for these publications, but rate users' experience over journalistic analyses; when I need advice, I come to you guys (and gals)