Unfortunately, China is the 800 pound gorilla on this planet. I refuse to subsidize that kind of behavior. There are plenty of great American, Canadian, Australian and European speakers available. GE needs to move it's plant to the West and not wait until it is too late. Where did patting Germany on the head in the 1930's get us? Before WW 2 we were shipping arms to England and putting sanctions on Japan. Sound familiar?
Wharfedale Elysian 4 Incredible build quality and sound, but made in China.
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Yes, the internet age has forever changed consumer behaviour. Before it, we audiophiles were practically living in the dark ages. Where once even a little bit of specialised knowledge was scarce, limited to books and journals, now we are practically drowning in it. We consumers are certainly far better educated today and reading reviews is almost an art form in itself.
@kennyc Your point of view is extremely « laissez faire » liberal. Let corporations rule. Monopoly is the goal. Corporations are here to plunder all ressources and exploit people for shareholders. This is the law. it doesn’t have to be that way in a proper democracy. You could impose company size maximums, wealth caps, progressive taxation etc… Prioritize public companies over private companies. Especially when it comes to Education, Utilities, Housing and Healthcare. I am of the opinion that large private companies suck. |
You are very on the point.... Alas! it is impossible to live without making transactions in a way or in another with big corporations... Black rock _Vanguard and the like own everything... Big corporations are not ROOTED in any country, nor america neither in E.U. They are psychopathic players which only want total controls and accept politicians only if they are puppets listening to their lobbying... It is so true that traditional politic disctinctions are tag in a game without content anymore...Democracy is impossible without journalism and truthful news everybody know that... And there is none let to be which are true journalism in official medias ... Transhumanism and corporate scientism is the plot behind the boat racings toward absolute control of humanity by them... It is not a hidden plot it is written as CLEAR road map.... Buying a low cost amplifier in China or in America to be a patriot will not change these facts...But i can understand why someone will do it for principle ... Anyway the communist party directed China till this day ONLY because corporations and behind them Blacrock-Vanguard etc all the rich and powerful people together knowing their own interests had decided that dictatorial communism even if it is a "problem" matter less than making money by delocalization of industries all around the world and they will then benefit with this already well planned better countrol of countries by destroying their economic freedom in the name of commercial global freedom ... Forgetting that a freedom which is not rooted somewhere, in each countries, is only a name or a tag or a watchword in a plot to overcome a meaningful too much free nationalism too strong to be put on chain ... It is already there in the British empire in 1833 when the title and traditional appellation of "natural philosopher" will be labelled for the future "scientist" then no more a general free thinker, but a payed specialized scientist who can be liable and submissive for some larger design by corporations ... All that had been submitted and accepted in an official reunion of the Society for the asdvancement of science, by among others, geologist William Wewhell and the founder of A. I. itself Charles Babbage, for the benefit of the British Empire corporate powers BEHIND the crown .... All that against of the wishes of Goethe who see it happen and who predicted it two years before this reunion in London , in 1831 in his Faust , describing EXACTLY the hubris behind those corruptible and no more free liable "scientists" under the spell of money and power and instructed by Mephisto himself ... The natural philosopher became the "sorcerer apprentice"... Faust from a philosopher of nature became the rich payed adviser of the king and even designed the idea behind paper money backed by debt ( the second part of Faust play ) All that is history not delirium...And now the uncontrolled race toward A.I. at all cost for the benefit of the corporate masters drive us into incoming collective madness ... This is exactly qwhy the chief scientist of google in A. I. Geoffrey Hinton himself, the father of the neural networks maths technology , not a secondary player, recovered his freedom and quit the "scientist slave work" for Google to speak FREELY as a phiosopher of nature and society for the "common good" about the dangers of A. I. ...
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