Looking for an Amp Replacement

I am in need of advice and direction on replacing my ML 23.5 amp. While replacing the power caps a cap on the output board was damaged and is no longer available. The most viable right now option is to start looking for a replacement amp and to complete repair down the road or scrap it... (was purchased used maybe 10 years ago)

It is for a second system that is mainly used for background and light listening to streamed/internet radio and the occasional CD and playback from NAS storage using JRiver.

Currently have pulled my Perreaux 3150 out of retirement and have been using that with acceptable results. Looking at a used amp for better bang for the buck return in the 150-200wpc and a budget of 2-3k+/-

Rest of system comprises of

ARC ls28, PSA DSD, Magnum Dynalab 801, Shahinian Acoustics Obelisk, Sony XA5400es CD  

I liked the sound I was able to get from this set up with the ML, but have a bad experience with a 333 in main system a while back and as such I do not have a lot of faith in their newer gear.

While not expecting someone to have identical components, would like to hear from tube/ss combos people as I am using this in three systems and really like the overall sound.


It is the Wima MKS4

0,47 160-16kHz, A


It is located on the board with the output terminals for the speakers.

My EE guy said I could replace with equivilent (not sure if I buy that completely) but thought it would be better to do same on both channels. Have hunted for an exact match but no luck.

Audio Research https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649991404-audio-research-d300-stereo-amplifier/

Should pair well with your LS28 and not too expensive. 

From fresher and more expensive but easy to resell…

Parasound, McIntosh, Simaudio Moon 330A

I have ML 23.5 in my main system. This was services by George Meyers AV, Los Angeles. They replaced the capacitors and some resistors (unmarked). I cannot say enough good things about this amp which is driving a pair of Thiel 3.6 speakers. My recommendation is that you contact George Meyers and find out if they can fix your ML 23.5.

Either way IMO you should get the ML fixed either for selling or for keeping. Doesn’t sound like it would take that much to get it in acceptable condition. Exact match or not.