Salk Future TBD

Jim put up this post over on AC earlier today…;topicseen#new


Very interesting post. I don’t know any of the folks involved there, but being cynical I hope he had some type of contract or something the forbade those ’interested’ from using the design etc in a different business. In the tech industry they call it ’brain rape’. now that the sale fell thru, and he’s going to auction off the machinery, what’s to stop them from buying it pennies on the dollar and doing it anyway?

Like I said, they could all be great people that would never take advantage, and I truly hope that’s the case, but the cynic in me saw red flags.

Even considering the fact that Salk was a small boutique brand, I am very surprised that he considered the total worth of the company to be 300k, and then lowered it to 100k, including equipment, designs and brand equity. they do after all have a following, and they made a good product and have a reputation for excellent customer service.

It seems sad, but it looks like Jim is feeling good about it and what's next for him, so I guess all is well.

Wow.  I’m surprised some entrepreneur interested in making great speakers didn’t pick this up for a song.  Pun intended.  Best of luck Jim in your future endeavors!

Jim is a not the typical HiFi product maker. He is generous and makes

a product that is beautiful. He was the first person I approached in 2019

asking for his company's support for our Arizona SpeakerFest Event.

Whatever his future plans I wish him the all the best!!

 Sad to read this. I picked up a used pair of SongTowers several months ago and am quite impressed by them. I left them set up in my main rig for two weeks and really enjoyed them. I was contemplating buying one of their larger models in the near future. Best of luck to Mr. Salk.