Yeah!, Yeah!, Yeah!
My intention were to lay some matters to rest and to avoid any more entries as your present one. This intent was to eliminate these matters, because they do not belong here. Dogberry, do not be offended, but, I was not even thinking about you or your post when I presented my case to put an end to these posts. Yes, I read your post, but my objective was to address @whart who was the person who initiated these deviations at the onset. And, then to his Cheerleaders who were trying to compete with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, who are also officially nicknamed "America's Sweethearts", and to chime in with their comments.
I wanted to get my message across to Whart and his Cheerleaders, that their remarks are unrelated to the Primary Subject Matter for which this site was created. And, then you proceed to continue on with this unrelated matter yet again, and, incorrectly I must add, rather then agreeing that this nonsense need to end in order that people that may have real serious questions are not reluctant to post their questions. I have put off, and, I feel very sorry that I have, @mijostyn in order that I may clear up this unwarranted clutter.
Would you please agree with me to stop such posts - Please?
However, I also find it necessary to correct your post in order that others may get the impression that you are correct. Recall the words of my original post about facts and truths. I can not allow errors to continue.
I have forsaken 506 years of an established loyalty to make myself perfectly clear. But, as someone has previously stated, I am "only someone behind a forum handle who has no meaning or significance".
You attempted to correct me. I suggest to avoid doing that in any future posts, it would only be futile. You had stated "by the way, the "Ch. is not latin, but French "chirurgerie"". Seriously! I ask you Seriously!? Colleges established in ENGLAND in 1249, and in 1264, and in 1517, and so on to even 1929. French! Do you have no comprehension the relationships between England and France over the Centuries. Have you forgotten all your History lessons.
Baccalaureus in Medicina et in Chirurgia. Does not sound French to me.
Chirurgiae Baccalaureus. Does not sound French to me either.
Ch=Chirurgie, which is latin for surgery! Get it! - Latin, not French!
Every time I sit down to eat, sometimes even at a McDonald's, I can not help but hear the following in my head: "Nos miseri et egentes homines pro hoc cibo, quem in alimonium corporis nostri sanctificatum es largitus, ut eo recte utamur, Tibi, Deus omnipotens, Pater caelestis, reverenter gratias agimus; simul obsecrantes, ut cibum angelorum, panem verum caelestem, Dei Verbum aeternum, Iesum Christum Dominum nostrum, nobis impertiaris, ut Eo mens nostra pascatur". It is embedded deep in my memories. Also, at times when I begin to write something, it crosses my mind that I must write "Dominos Regit Me" before I even begin to write the date.
Oh! I should have mentioned that those words that I had written are in Latin not French.
I still can not get over your remark that the Ch. is French. It will take some time to clear that one out of my head, but I guess I should take this as an opportunity to remind others, not to submit something in writing on this post unless you are absolutely certain of what you are saying.
I will you again to agree with me to stop such posts?