New Improved Fink Team Borg Episode 2 Speakers : End-Game Speakers ?

This could be your End-Game speakers for life ! The all new Groundbreaking SoulNote A-3 Integrated amp could be your End-Game Amp too !

More info on the new Fink Team Borg Episode 2 Speakers

Review on the older Fink Team Borg Speakers !

I’m saving my pennies for this system now...


They look like modern mummy caskets (but I like the look). I don't see what's different or revolutionary about them otherwise

@rick2000 I'm starting to think you are a paid audio equipment influencer, based upon your postings.   How much does a gig like that pay?  

I agree they look like coffins... so not a fan of the shape, but the finish is excellent and they would probably be interesting to own as they have ample on board sound shaping tools.

"I'm starting to think you are a paid audio equipment influencer, based upon your postings.   How much does a gig like that pay?"

pdreher-  It's all in the title of the title of the post.

Audio influencers get comped with fuses and magic crystals.

$30K to get bass only into the 40hz? 

40K in an untreated, living space sounds about right. 

Even $100K statement pieces can be disappointing in living/listening spaces. They look great and the S.O checked off -win.